Thursday, March 26, 2009

i reached chocolate heaven.. lol

haha... after posting my previous post...i went and tried out the recipe. it worked! lol...

kekekk.. fat lor, sarah. lol...

i promise..i will exercise again.....soon. =D
al the ingredients in the mug.. not yet cooked.
cooked! yay! hehe.... my afternoon tea. =)


Rachael Mia said...

DEAR! im so going to kill u :P :P choc again? im on diet remember? :( :( hahahaha.. but as if i will. :P :P oh yeah i will, cos the hot guy inspires me. :P :P OMG. lol

sarahvsl said...

kekekekeke.. sorry. i totally forgot ur on diet when i was posting this o!!! lol